We are working on our beautiful Jewish Art Calendar which will soon be mailed for free to many homes in our area. We have received great positive feedback from the community.
We're relying on you to make this happen! 3 ways to get involved:
1)Put in your Birthdays, Yartzheits and Anniversaries for $36 each and 4th one goes in free! It's a beautiful way to honor your loved one!
2) Advertise your Business - Business card.
$180 / month - $500 / three months - $1,800 / thirteen months
3) Support our calendar campaign with a donation of an amount of your choice.
Please fill out this form or email [email protected] to submit your Birthdays, Anniversaries and Yartzheits, Business ads or kind donations.
If you know of a family in our area that would like to receive a Jewish Art Calendar, please let us know and we will gladly mail one out, free of charge.
Thank you for participating!